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Acid loving Plants

Examples of popular acid loving shrubs commonly grown in landscapes are azaleas, rhododendrons, holly, butterfly bush, blue hydrangeas, camellias and heather. Some examples of acid loving trees include pine, oaks, magnolia, dogwoods, and most conifers such as pines, spruce and yews. The first step is to plant them in soils that are acidic (pH 4.0 -5.5), and to incorporate large quantities of peat or other organic matter into the soil during soil preparation for planting. If you are planting in a soil that is high in pH (greater than 6.5 to 7.0) you must make sure to acidify the soils before planting. Using a well rounded acid fertilizer with Iron and magnesium and other micronutrients will help insure plants from becoming deficient, large scale nurseries that grow these plants use elemental sulfur based product to ensure low PH

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